I don't even know where to begin. These books were amazing. I read Just One Day last Saturday in a few short hours. I then waited almost a week for Just One Year to be ready at my local library. I finally got it Friday evening and read it in three hours flat. And they're not small books either. I was shaking and on the verge of jumping up and down while reading these books, the tension was so high. Just as the reader thinks it couldn't get more insane, it does.
See the full review here!
Geography Club by Brent Hartinger
Geography Club was fun. It wasn't the deepest or most well-written book I've read, but it was fun. I actually heard about it when I saw the preview for the movie and I decided, you know what, I should read that. A really cool part of the story? All the main characters, or at least most of them, are gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc! The stereotypes in the book were hard to deal with though. The main character Russel had to categorize everyone. And sometimes, the category just didn't work. Anyway, the characters form the Geography Club, which they think no one else will join, in hopes of having a secret support group. Things get out of hand, stuff happens, and it becomes a really cool story. There are three other books that I haven't read yet, but I plan to! I give it four stars!

Masquerade wasn't quite of good as Blue Bloods, but it was still pretty good! Revelations was better, but The Van Alen Legacy was hard to get through. I really like the books, but I find the stereotypes of the high life kind of hard to deal with. Not all rich people are either vampires or not worth the time, right? And yes, I get that they have more money to spend, but do all the characters have to go on
big shopping trips every weekend? I find it hard to believe that all people with money actually live like the Blue Bloods do. But even still, I love the characters. Schuyler is pretty awesome. The biggest downside of the books was that the narrators didn't tell the reader stuff. The reader doesn't know that Schuyler is friends with a certain someone until she meets up with him for the fifth time. If it's not relevant to the immediate story, the reader doesn't know. The books were definitely fun though, and get an average of 4.5 stars.
Sentinel by Jennifer L Armentrout
Sentinel is the last book in the Covenant series. But do not despair dear readers, Jennifer L Armentrout has recently announced the spin-off series about one of the main characters-Seth! I might have done a happy dance when that was announced. The Covenant series is amazing. In fact, you can check out my review of all the previous books here! I'm a huge fan and have read almost all of her released YA's! And Sentinel did not disappoint. I finished it in less than 24 hours, flipping through the pages faster than lightning. Sentinel is a different take on Greek mythology and is immensely fun.
Read the full review here!
Fractured by Teri Terry
The first book, Slated, took off at lightning speed. I've been waiting for Fractured for a while now, and while it was still interesting, it slowed down. The main character, Kyla, doesn't necessarily share her feelings with the reader, making it hard to know how she feels (romantically and otherwise) about various characters. She doesn't trust easily, which turns out to be a good thing. Kyla lives in a world where trust is a hard thing to come by. Until recently, she's had no memory of her past, but it starts to surface, and what she finds isn't pretty. The book has so many twists and turns, it's hard to keep track. The betrayals cut deep and there's only so long that Kyla can survive the lies. The end left me hungering for more, and I can't wait for Shattered! This book gets four stars.
All the Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry
Holy bleep. This book was interesting, but even more so, it was confusing! I'm still not sure when or where it took place. It's hinted that it takes place in colonial America, but there is no reference to other colonies outside of their town. It is continually mentioned about ships coming to hurt them, which might suggest that it was after the French and Indian War, but before the Revolutionary War. That said, the book was also on the coast. The main character thinks in disjointed paragraphs and sections, which is really cool, but only adds to the confusion. The reader often doesn't get the names for long periods of time, which can be hard. But the cover. Just look at it! With the knife slash across her mouth, it takes creepy to a whole new level. Overall, it's written in a really cool style, could use a bit more explanation, and I finished it in about a day. Definitely a good read! Four stars for sure.
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Okay, so I hopped on a little late to the John Green train, but I'm sure glad I'm on it now! I had the ending of the book spoiled for me before reading it, which had me reluctant to pick it up. I had made a promise to myself that I would read the book before I saw the movie though, which comes out summer of next year. So, when I saw that my local indie bookseller had signed copies, I bought the book! I was not disappointed. There was laughter, tears, and everything in between. Hazel is one of the most amazing narrators out there. I was weeping by the end, and yet I recommend this to anyone who hasn't hopped on the train. One of the reasons I didn't write a full review, was because I knew it would get all ranty with my praise of the book, which is what this is doing. So I'm going to cut this short and simply say READ THE BOOK! A full five stars for sure!
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
Warning! This book contains adult content and this review has minor spoilers from previous books. Read with caution!
I was super excited for this book. Like, bouncing off the walls excited. Amazon took what felt like a million years to ship it, which meant severe annoyance to my parents. The author had said that the heat would be turned up in the book, and I was expecting some definite action. It did not quite live up to expectations. I got the book late on release day. There was a lot of bouncing off the walls. I immediately started the book. It started a little slow, but I knew good things were coming. My favorite parts of the book? All the parts with Rose Hathaway of course! The main character Sydney is nice, but Rose was the main character of VA and no one can live up to her!
Read the full review here.
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
The amazingness of this book was spectacular! I got it on release day and started it the day after. It finished it at 1:30 in morning. Less than 24 hours after starting. It was that good. Crash Into You was everything that Dare You To wasn't. The first book, Pushing the Limits, was perfections incarnate. Dare You To was good, but just didn't interest me as much. Crash Into You basically exploded into my mind and wouldn't let it go. I had to know what happened next. I'm not a huge contemporary reader, there are only a few on my shelves, most by the same couple authors (Katie McGarry, Ally Carter, and Simone Elkeles). But Crash Into You blew them all away! It focuses on drag racing and cars as its central theme, something I'd never read about before. I swear, I learned more about cars in that one book than I have in my entire life.
Read the full review here.
Unfinished Books:
I had a problem last month. I started a bunch of books that, as of yet, I have not finished. I have started Breakable by Aimee L Salter, which is amazing, but I only have it as an eCopy, and those take me longer to get to. I started The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa, which I would have finished in twenty four hours, if not for the fact that I never read The Iron Knight. I now need to go back and read that, so that this one makes sense. Whoopsie-daisy. I have started Revealed by P.C. and Kristin Cast. It's book eleven in the House of Night series. By this point, the bad guy can just die and everyone else can get on with their lives. I feel like the plot has been drawn out unnecessarily and the book was very slow from page one. Then there's The Suburban Strange by Nathan Kotecki. That one was really good and the author is a local one (hence I have the book signed). There were just so many other books to read, or try to read, that I haven't finished it. I'm getting there though! Last but not least, The Dawning of Power by Brian Rathbone, a collection of the entire Godsland trilogy. I'm actually part of the tour for that one next month. My problem is that the book is interesting, but it's kinda slow. I'm reading it, but with other books in between. But I'm getting there!
Lastly, are the rereads. I reread Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent for the millionth time last month. It is simply so amazing that I cannot get enough! I also reread Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter. I bought the book in October after being fed up with how long the library was taking for book two. I'm in love with the entire series and can't wait for book three!
Book Buys Etc:
There are also a bunch of books on my shelves that I own that I haven't read yet. Most of the books I read/review come from the library, but I also have ten shelves full of books. I figured I'd add a section of books I bought/won/got in some way shape or form. List form is probably easier so, I present to you, the most recent additions to my shelf!
Pawn by Aimee Carter (I can't wait to start this!)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (signed)
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
Saving Zoë by Alyson Noël (used)
Avalon High by Meg Cabot (used)
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (used)
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain (used)
Ruined by Paula Morris (used)
Sentinel by Jennifer L Armentrout
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
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