Welcome to my stop on the Salt blog tour! Below, you'll find a review of the (spectacular) book and, at the bottom, a giveaway! I hope you enjoy, and make sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour!
Title: Salt
Author: Danielle Ellison
Release: January 7, 2014
Pages: 250
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Review: Five Stars
Salt was amazingly spectacularly stupendous! I just, AH! I've been reading a bajillion books recently but this was the one I needed! Gah, the feels! I cannot put how amazing this book into words without simply telling you to GO READ IT! I hate reading eBooks. They're hard to read, things crash, the internet gets in the way, and they're all around annoying. I started this one and finished it in a few hours flat. At this point, my only thought is GIVE ME MORE! *visits Goodreads* What?!?! How is there no information on book two! You see my dilemma. Anyways... Just, read it. If my insane ramblings don't convince you, check out the rest of the tour for proof!
The main character is Penelope. She is so bleeping awesome! She is a witch. I actually don't read a lot of stories with witches as main characters, much less witches that fight demons. It's always nephilim or something. And while I have nothing against nephilim, it's cool to see other species get a go at them too. Penelope is incredibly stubborn, sarcastic, and funny. She has a joke for every situation. She's also slightly broken from her past. Throw in Carter, and something's just waiting to explode. (In case you were wondering, stuff does. Explode. A lot.) The romance and tension between them is perfect and causes all the feels. When they're together, stuff, good, bad, or otherwise, happens in large proportions. Carter keeps a few secrets from Penelope that she is not happy about, but were somewhat obvious to the reader, if they know what to look for. He's also incredibly hot, which causes Penelope to distrust him immediately. Also, he's kick-butt. Penelope is pretty kick-butt, she does take down demons for a living after all, but Carter is like Penelope on steroids when it comes to fighting.
Confession time. I signed up for the tour because the book looked interesting, but by the time I picked it up (which took a while, I'm a huge procrastinator) I'd completely forgotten what the book was supposed to be about. So, before starting the book, I looked it up on Amazon, and boy, was I surprised. Things suddenly looked much brighter in my world. By the time I was halfway through, this was happing.
@Tween2TeenBooks :D
— Danielle Ellison (@DanielleEWrites) December 30, 2013
@Tween2TeenBooks Yay!! :) So glad you are enjoying it.
— Danielle Ellison (@DanielleEWrites) December 30, 2013
And then, when I finished, I was at this point.
@Tween2TeenBooks :D *beams* That makes me happy to hear!!
— Danielle Ellison (@DanielleEWrites) December 30, 2013
@Tween2TeenBooks :D I like smiles!
— Danielle Ellison (@DanielleEWrites) December 30, 2013
Salt was amazing in so many ways. Along with the characters developing perfectly, the plot did as well. As far as characters go, some of you might have seen my conversation via Twitter last night talking about why characters always have to start at rude before they can evolve. In this, the characters started as themselves and ended as someone better. It wasn't some full out "I can't love you because I'm ___" facade thing. It was amazingly refreshing. The plot was fast paced, and after the first thirty pages or so, I'd lost track of how fast I was reading. The book was over way too soon and I can't wait for me. So yes, if I could, I would give this book a million bajillion stars. Since I can't I'm giving it a full five. Happy reading!Synopsis:
Penelope is a witch, part of a secret society protecting humans from demon attacks. But when she was a child, a demon killed her parents—and stole her magic. Since then, she’s been pretending to be something she’s not, using her sister’s magic to hide her own loss, to prevent being sent away.
When she’s finally given the chance to join the elite demon-hunting force, Penelope thinks that will finally change. With her sister’s help, she can squeeze through the tests and get access to the information she needs to find "her" demon. To take back what was stolen.
Then she meets Carter. He’s cute, smart, and she can borrow his magic, too. He knows her secret—but he also has one of his own.
Suddenly, Penelope’s impossible quest becomes far more complicated. Because Carter’s not telling her everything, and it’s starting to seem like the demons have their own agenda…and they’re far too interested in her.
You Can Find it At:
Barnes & Noble
Author Bio:
Danielle Ellison is from a small town in West Virginia. She spent her childhood pretending to fly and talking to imaginary friends. When she grew up, she finally flew away (in an airplane) and started traveling the world. She hasn’t stopped yet, but someday she may decide to settle in one place. Her real life friends would definitely like that; they would probably also like if she stopped talking to her characters out loud.
SALT comes out in August 2013, and then it's sequel. In October 2014, FOLLOW ME THROUGH DARKNESS (book one of the BOUNDLESS Trilogy) comes out. She's got a busy few years!
You Can Find Her At:
Tour Schedule:
Week 1
12/30/2013- Bibliophilia, Please- Guest Post
12/30/2013- Lost in Ever After- Review
12/31/2013- Shortie Says- Interview
12/31/2013- Dizneeee's World of Books- Review
1/1/2014- Whimsically Yours- Guest Post
1/1/2014- Tween 2 Teen Book Reviews- Review
1/2/2014- Chasm of Books- Review
1/2/2014- The Demon Librarian- Review
1/3/2014- Jenuine Cupcakes- Interview
1/3/2014- Such A Novel Idea- Review
Week 2
1/6/2014- Page Turners- Guest Post
1/6/2014- Musings of a Blogder -Review
1/7/2014- IceyBooks - Guest Post
1/7/2014- Donnie Darko Girl - Review
1/8/2014- Reading Teen- Guest Post
1/8/2014- In the Best Worlds- Review
1/9/2014- Allodoxophobia- Playlist
1/9/2014- Pieces of Whimsy- Review
1/10/2014- A Book and a Latte- Interview
1/10/2014- The Busy Bibliophile- Review
1 SALT Necklace US Only
3 eBooks of SALT International

i think this book will be wonderful
ReplyDeleteI've heard so much about this book! Can't wait to get my hands on it. :)
ReplyDeleteEmma @ Spun With Words
I have heard nothing but great things about this book from all my friends! It sounds amazing!!