Monday, August 7, 2023

A Little Goodbye

As the title suggests, some changes are coming to Tween 2 Teen. I have been running this site for over ten years, and the landscape has changed drastically in that time. Book blogs are simply not of interest in the way they once were. Major book review outlets have shuttered and the majority of self-run review sites have shut down.

Similarly, my life has changed a lot. I was in middle school when I started this and have since graduated college. I have been a bookseller for several years now, but am inching towards full-time work until I start graduate school.

Tween 2 Teen Book Reviews was a major source of joy for me for a very long time. Unfortunately, for a while now I have felt anxiety leading up to posts instead of excitement. I was hoping after taking a break in July that some of that love would return, but I have a feeling that some burnout has been lingering for a while now. Simply put, I am not having fun. And honestly, I'm not sure there are many readers around who care. So I am doing what is best for me and taking a step back.

This is not to say that Tween 2 Teen is dead and gone. While I won't be posting reviews or weekly posts, some of the side pages will likely stay active to some degree. I will continue to update the Best of 2023 (soon to be Best of 2024) and Calendar of Book Releases as life allows.

You can also find me on Instagram (@tween2teenbooks) and the Site Formerly Known as Twitter (@Tween2TeenBooks). Twitter is still my main space until a meaningful alternative comes around, but I am trying to increase my Instagram presence. Goodreads will continue to be a place you can find my bookish thoughts as well. Reviews will likely be less formal, but as I still read ARCs for my bookseller job, I will be attempting to review them there.

Along with occasional updates to some of the pages, the site and history of posts will stay up. I've reviewed and recommended lots of books over the years and hope that some of that continues to be a resource for folks. As this chapter comes to a close, I hope see some familiar faces (or usernames) in other corners of the internet.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. I've been blogging since 2011, and it's hard to keep it up with fewer readers. I'm glad you're doing what's best for you. I hope you won't totally give up blogging.
