Friday, September 28, 2012

A Fractured Light by Jocelyn Davies

Oh my god. I LOVED A Fractured Light. It was amazing, spectacular, went above and beyond my expectations, and left the first book in the dust! A Fractured Light is the sequel to A Beautiful Dark. I can't describe in words how awesome it is.

The main character is named Skye. She is a really refreshing read. She seems like one of the more real characters I read about. A lot of book characters seem fake and can't be related to a readers life. Skye can be. She always has this choice sitting in front of her. Join the Rebellion or the Order? Rebels or Guardians? Dark or Light? And through most of the book, she's trying to find the shades of grey in between. That can very much be related to my life and yours. Every day we make choices. Whether they are what to wear to school or what to do with your life. People often get stuck between two choices that don't seem good. Some give up, some just decide to suffer the bad, others try to find the options between. For the longest time, Skye feels trapped. She can't find another door, there is no window, and she hasn't been handed a sledgehammer to make one. Then, all of the sudden, she realizes that there isn't a roof and climbs right out of the room. The grey area is right in front of her when she figures out how to look.

The plot of the book is amazing. My opinions on what should happen changed drastically from the beginning to the end. I completely didn't see the end coming. And trust me, no one is what they seem. I give this book five stars.

When she wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings, Skye knows something terrible has happened to her. It's not until she hears Asher, the dark, rebellious angel she fell in love with, that the memories come flooding back. She tries to put the past behind her, but she knows she'll be forever haunted by the ruthless betrayal that almost took her life.

Skye returns home, but with the knowledge of who she really is, nothing can ever be the same. As she tests the limits of her newfound powers, Skye discovers that she's capable of far more than anyone could have imagined. Both the Order and the Rebellion want her for their side as war between the factions looms. She can't forget the terrifying truth she now knows about the Order, but something holds her back from embracing the Rebellion.

Title: A Fractured Light
Author: Jocelyn Davies
Release: September 25, 2012
Publisher: Harper Teen
Series: A Beautiful Dark
Pages: 337

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