Hello, and welcome to my stop on the Authors are Rockstars second annual blog tour! Check out this link for the other tour stops. Now let the fun begin!
I am happy to have my rockstar, C.C. Hunter on the blog today! My love for her cannot be expressed in words, but I'll try as hard as I can. She has written the spectacular YA series, Shadow Falls and it's spin-off Shadow Falls: After Dark, which comes out 2014. Her books are amazing! Along with being fun and entertaining, they're deep in ways that only YA can be. They have real life lessons that I know I'll carry with me. These are books that I recommend to everyone! I've loaned my copies to all my friends and have even bought the books for a couple. They're a treasure on my shelves and I have reread the books more times than I can count. The writing is spectacular. She writes from the POV of a teenage girl and it feels authentic. The emotions and actions seem real. I can get into her characters heads as easily as my own and was drawn in from page one. If you check out her blog (link at the bottom), then you can see that C.C. writes about all sorts of topics that engage her readers. For even more squeeing, because there's a lot, check out my reviews of Whispers at Moonrise, Chosen at Nightfall, and the whole Shadow Falls series!
Titles: Shadow Falls-(Novella) Turned at Dark, Born at Midnight, Awake at Dawn, Taken at Dusk, Whispers at Moonrise, (Novella) Saved at Sunrise, Chosen at Nightfall; Shadow Falls: After Dark-Reborn (April 15, 2014), Eternal (October 2014)
Author: C.C. Hunter
Publisher: Griffin Teen
Number of Books: Seven Books, Two Novellas
Isabel: You have become known as the resident matchmaker of Shadow Falls. What is your mindset on that and have you helped out any campers/students recently? *Cough*Della and Steve*Cough*
Kylie: I like helping people. Especially helping people find each other. But you know, I don’t’ offer advice as much as help them see what’s right for them. And I really think part of my quest was to get Holiday and Burnett together. Now, Della? What can I say? I’ll tell you what I told Steve. Della is a little difficult. I think most of Della’s problems are that she has been so hurt. And I don’t mean just by her old boyfriend, Lee. I suspect it involves her parents. She associates caring for someone as giving them the ability to hurt you. But my gut says that if C.C. has anything to do with it, Della will do some changing. Poor Della, she’s not much for change.
Isabel: Now that your series has ended, what do you see in your future?
Kylie: Well, I’m not riding off into the sunset. C.C. is writing Shadow Falls: After Dark and I’ll be there. After that, I’ve got big plans. After I finish high school here at Shadow Falls, I want to go to college and get a degree in psychology. My hope is that Miranda, Della and I will all go the same college. And of course, after that I want to get married, and if Holiday will have me, I want to come back and work at Shadow Falls.
Isabel: Could you believe the fact that both Lucas and Derek were interested in you? When did it suddenly become real that two guys liked you?
Kylie: No, I couldn’t believe it. You know, there was a time I thought it would be a dream come true to have two guys care that much about me , but I’ve learned it’s not so cool. I cared so much about both Derek and Lucas that it made it hard to decipher in the beginning who my heart really belonged to. Then it was as if someone turned on a switch inside me and I just knew who I was meant to be with. Love is crazy, isn’t it?
(Having never been in love, I cannot attest, but it sure seems so)
Isabel: What's the coolest part of being a Chameleon? The worst?
Kylie: This might not make sense, but the coolest and the worst thing about being a Chameleon is actually the same thing. Being a minority. You see, there’s this small part of me that likes being different, it makes me unique. And I think someday when I’m more comfortable in my own skin, when my self-confidence has outgrown my fear of being different, then I will revel in my uniqueness. But until that day happens, I often long to fit in. I want people to see me, not just gawk at my Chameleon pattern. I suppose it’s the same thing people of different nationalities feel. C.C. told me once about going to China to a small city where very few tourists travel. A child saw her and started screaming in fear because he thought she was white devil. While our differences are what makes us stand out, sometimes standing out can be scary even when you are considering the odd man out.
Isabel: Could you have predicted any part of how Chosen at Nightfall turned out?
Kylie: Oh, heck no. Even C.C. didn’t know how it was going to turn out. How could I know?
Kylie: This might not make sense, but the coolest and the worst thing about being a Chameleon is actually the same thing. Being a minority. You see, there’s this small part of me that likes being different, it makes me unique. And I think someday when I’m more comfortable in my own skin, when my self-confidence has outgrown my fear of being different, then I will revel in my uniqueness. But until that day happens, I often long to fit in. I want people to see me, not just gawk at my Chameleon pattern. I suppose it’s the same thing people of different nationalities feel. C.C. told me once about going to China to a small city where very few tourists travel. A child saw her and started screaming in fear because he thought she was white devil. While our differences are what makes us stand out, sometimes standing out can be scary even when you are considering the odd man out.
Isabel: Could you have predicted any part of how Chosen at Nightfall turned out?
Kylie: Oh, heck no. Even C.C. didn’t know how it was going to turn out. How could I know?
Isabel: Since Jenny and Hayden have both 'come out' as Chameleons, have you become less of a display case at Shadow Falls?
Kylie: Yes, and I think that is part of what has helped me grow more comfortable. Of course, now poor Jenny is feeling it. And seeing her issues reminds me how important it is accept ourselves for who and what we are.
Isabel: Do you think other young Chameleons will soon join you at Shadow Falls?
Kylie: I hope so. But I do believe it will take a while. Not only has my kind adapted to hiding, and disguising ourselves for fear of persecution, but I think, in part, it is just our nature to do so. Sort of like some of the traits of the werewolves are loyalty and being less social, and vampires are out-going and yet a bit controlling, I think chameleons are inclined to blend in, and maybe even tend to hide our true nature from others.
Isabel: Has dealing with ghosts gotten any easier and has another one popped up after the events in Chosen at Nightfall?
Kylie: Oh yes, just wait until you read Reborn. There are ghost issues in there as well. Poor Della just doesn’t handle it very well.
(Ooh, now you have me extra excited to read Reborn! Ghosts do seem to freak her out . . .)
C.C. Hunter grew up in Alabama, where she caught lightning bugs, ran barefoot, and regularly rescued potential princes, in the form of Alabama bullfrogs, from her brothers. Today, she's still fascinated with lightning bugs, mostly wears shoes, but has turned her focus to rescuing mammals. She now lives in Texas with her four rescued cats, one dog, and a prince of a husband, who for the record, is so not a frog. When she's not writing, she's reading, spending time with her family, or is shooting things-with a camera, not a gun.
You Can Find Her At:
One night Kylie Galen finds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren't just "troubled." Here at Shadow Falls, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, witches and fairies train side by side—learning to harness their powers, control their magic and live in the normal world.
Kylie: Yes, and I think that is part of what has helped me grow more comfortable. Of course, now poor Jenny is feeling it. And seeing her issues reminds me how important it is accept ourselves for who and what we are.
Isabel: Do you think other young Chameleons will soon join you at Shadow Falls?
Kylie: I hope so. But I do believe it will take a while. Not only has my kind adapted to hiding, and disguising ourselves for fear of persecution, but I think, in part, it is just our nature to do so. Sort of like some of the traits of the werewolves are loyalty and being less social, and vampires are out-going and yet a bit controlling, I think chameleons are inclined to blend in, and maybe even tend to hide our true nature from others.
Isabel: Has dealing with ghosts gotten any easier and has another one popped up after the events in Chosen at Nightfall?
Kylie: Oh yes, just wait until you read Reborn. There are ghost issues in there as well. Poor Della just doesn’t handle it very well.
(Ooh, now you have me extra excited to read Reborn! Ghosts do seem to freak her out . . .)
Isabel: What have been some of your favorite experiences at Shadow Falls?
Kylie: Specifically…I guess I should say my kiss at the creek with Lucas. Oh, my, but that water was so cold and he was so hot. <blush, blush> In general, however, I think it is finding family. And I don’t just mean my dad, his adopted parents, or my real grandfather, I mean everyone at Shadow Falls. Della and Miranda, Holiday, Burnett. All of them have become family.
Isabel: Why do you think you clicked with your best friends at camp, Della and Miranda? And what aspects of them do you most enjoy or find most endearing?
Kylie: I sometimes wonder if I’d been placed with other Shadow Falls campers if I would have connected so strongly with two other girls. But I really don’t think so. Amazingly, I think C.C. knew the type of people to place me with. Roommates who challenged me, roommates whose flaws as well as gifts would help me recognize things about myself. Roommates who needed me as much as I needed them.
Bonus Question With Della
Isabel: Della, you're the main character in Shadow Falls: After Dark. Does that worry you and what adventures (romantic and otherwise) do you believe you have in store?
Della: It scares the s#%t out of me. I know C.C. is going to tell me I shouldn’t talk like that in interviews. But hey, it wasn’t my question, and I’m just being honest. Besides I’m kind of ticked at C.C. for doing this. She knows how I feel about everyone knowing my business. And right now she’s writing Reborn and you wouldn’t believe the crap I’m having to put up with! Seriously, she just finished a scene yesterday that left me unconscious. Me, unconscious? What the heck was she thinking? And then there’s Steve. He’s like thinking we’re together or something, but we’re not. Okay, fine, I’ve sort of been meeting him three of four nights a week and yes he’s stolen a kiss or two, but that doesn’t make us a ‘couple.’ And with everything I’ve got on my plate right now, he needs to give me a break. I need a slowdown. I need it really, really badly. Hey, maybe you could talk to C.C. for me. Help a girl out, would ya?
Kylie: Specifically…I guess I should say my kiss at the creek with Lucas. Oh, my, but that water was so cold and he was so hot. <blush, blush> In general, however, I think it is finding family. And I don’t just mean my dad, his adopted parents, or my real grandfather, I mean everyone at Shadow Falls. Della and Miranda, Holiday, Burnett. All of them have become family.
Isabel: Why do you think you clicked with your best friends at camp, Della and Miranda? And what aspects of them do you most enjoy or find most endearing?
Kylie: I sometimes wonder if I’d been placed with other Shadow Falls campers if I would have connected so strongly with two other girls. But I really don’t think so. Amazingly, I think C.C. knew the type of people to place me with. Roommates who challenged me, roommates whose flaws as well as gifts would help me recognize things about myself. Roommates who needed me as much as I needed them.
Bonus Question With Della
Isabel: Della, you're the main character in Shadow Falls: After Dark. Does that worry you and what adventures (romantic and otherwise) do you believe you have in store?
Della: It scares the s#%t out of me. I know C.C. is going to tell me I shouldn’t talk like that in interviews. But hey, it wasn’t my question, and I’m just being honest. Besides I’m kind of ticked at C.C. for doing this. She knows how I feel about everyone knowing my business. And right now she’s writing Reborn and you wouldn’t believe the crap I’m having to put up with! Seriously, she just finished a scene yesterday that left me unconscious. Me, unconscious? What the heck was she thinking? And then there’s Steve. He’s like thinking we’re together or something, but we’re not. Okay, fine, I’ve sort of been meeting him three of four nights a week and yes he’s stolen a kiss or two, but that doesn’t make us a ‘couple.’ And with everything I’ve got on my plate right now, he needs to give me a break. I need a slowdown. I need it really, really badly. Hey, maybe you could talk to C.C. for me. Help a girl out, would ya?
Isabel: I'll see if I can put in a kind word, but I doubt readers will want me to. I can't imagine you unconscious, but I'm sure it's for a really good reason. Thank you Kylie and Della for visiting and thank you C.C. for letting them come over to play! It was great having you. It's wonderful to be taking part in the Authors are Rockstars Blog Tour! Now, to count down the months until Reborn is released . . .
Author Bio:

C.C. Hunter is a pseudonym. Her real name is Christie Craig and she also writes humorous romantic suspense romance novels for Grand Central.
You Can Find Her At:
Don't miss this spectacular new young adult fantasy series from C.C. Hunter! Born at Midnight will steal your heart and haunt your dreams. Welcome to Shadow Falls camp, nestled deep in the woods of a town called Fallen…
One night Kylie Galen finds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren't just "troubled." Here at Shadow Falls, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, witches and fairies train side by side—learning to harness their powers, control their magic and live in the normal world.
Kylie's never felt normal, but surely she doesn't belong here with a bunch of paranormal freaks either. Or does she? They insist Kylie is one of them, and that she was brought here for a reason. As if life wasn't complicated enough, enter Derek and Lucas. Derek's a half-fae who's determined to be her boyfriend, and Lucas is a smokin' hot werewolf with whom Kylie shares a secret past. Both Derek and Lucas couldn't be more different, but they both have a powerful hold on her heart.
Even though Kylie feels deeply uncertain about everything, one thing is becoming painfully clear—Shadow Falls is exactly where she belongs…
You Can Find the Books:
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You Can Find the Books:
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Katy's Budget Books
Hi guys!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting the interview.
I love bloggers.
Where are those cover images! Too pretty to be left out. *tsk tsk*
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the character interview. :)